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CCR Compliance at Kanawha River

In 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the Legacy Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule that applies to surface impoundments (ponds) containing ash at inactive power plant sites. The rule also applies to certain previously closed ash storage locations and beneficial use projects that EPA classifies as CCR Management Units (CCRMU). The Legacy CCR Rule requires that applicable surface impoundments be identified by November 8, 2024. CCRMU locations are required to be identified by February 9, 2026.

For each location identified, a groundwater monitoring program will be established, along with written closure and post-closure care plans. Groundwater monitoring is expected to begin in 2025, and written closure plans will be developed in late 2027. The completion of closure work and the start of post-closure care monitoring are estimated to occur in the mid-2030s.

The former Kanawha River Plant in West Virginia was retired in 2015. The following legacy surface impoundments have been identified:

  • Bottom Ash Pond Complex
  • East Fly Ash Pond

For details, please see the detailed documentation for the unit.